

Information provided in accordance to the articles 13-14 of GDPR (general data protection regulation) 2016/679

We inform you that, for the introduction and execution of contractual correlations ongoing with you, our organization is in possession of your data, also acquired verbally, directly or by third-party, qualified as personal from European Regulation 2016/679 from (GDPR).
According to this legislation, processing of details will be based on the principles of propriety, lawfulness, transparency, and the protection of personal privacy and rights.
Under article 13 of GDPR 2016/679, therefore, we inform you about the following:

Nature of the data processed: We treat your personal and economic data necessary for the performance of contractual correlations existing and future, with your society and to achieve an effective management of business relations.
The data are treated without your permission (art. 24 w. A, b, c Cod. Privacy e art. 6 w. B, e GDPR), solely and exclusively for the following purposes: comply with the pre-contractual, fiscal and contractual obligations; comply with statutory obligations, by regulation, by Community legislation, or by order of the authorities; to exercise the rights of the holder, for example the rights of defense.
We do not have your Qualifying data (art. 9 e 10 of GDPR).

Purpose and duration of the processing: Your Data are treated throughout the contractual correlation and afterwards, for contractual reasons and related requirements of legal and fiscal obligations, for an effective management of financial or business relationship, transactions specified in Art. 4 Cod. Privacy and in Art. 4 n. 2 GDPR.
The holder will process the personal data for the time required to fulfill the purposes and not over 10 years from termination of employment for the service aim.

Modalities of the processing: The processing will be performed both with manual and/or telematic and cyber equipment, through the use of organization and elaboration closely related to the purpose and still in order to ensure the safety, integrity and confidentiality of data, in accordance with the organizational, physical, logical measures provided by existing dispositions.

Requirement or option to confer data: As regards the data which we are obliged to know, in order to fulfill the obligation laid down by legislation, failing in providing them by you means the impossibility to establish or proceed the report, to the extent that those data are required to its execution.

Area of knowledge of your data: The following categories of subjects can be aware of your data as responsible of the treatment, appointed by undersigned society, the holder of the treatment: leaders, administrators, mayors; accounting department; employees to accounting and invoicing; employees to marketing of services; agents and representatives.

Communication and diffusion: Your data will be not widespread to indeterminate entities through availability or consultation.
Your data will be communicated, in order to their respective and specific competence, in general any public or private entity, regarding which there is an obligation for us (or option recognized by statutory rules or secondary Community legislation) or communication needs, as well as to entities, within necessary limits to perform their appointment in our organization, before our engagement letter which imposes the duty of confidentiality and security.

Your rights: In your acting as concerned, you have rights referred to Article 7 Cod. Privacy and Art. 15 GDPR and precisely rights of:

I. Obtain confirmation of the existence or less of personal data where you're concerned, even if they are not yet registered, and its readable communication;

II. Obtain indication:
a) about origin of the personal data;
b) about treatment’s purposes and modalities;
c) about logic involved in case of processing instigated by electronic means;
d) about the identity of the holder, of the responsibles and representative designated under Article 5, comma 2 Cod. Privacy and art. 3, comma 1, GDPR;
e) about persons and types of persons for which personal data can be communicated or can be known about as a representative designated within the territory of the State of responsible;

III. Obtain
a) the update, the rectification which is the integration of data;
b) the cancellation, the processing in an anonymised form or the blocking of data processed in infringed rules of law, including those of which it is not necessary the preservation in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or further processed;
c) the certificate that operations provided for in points a) and b) have been made aware in terms of its content, of those which the data were communicated, except if this fulfillment is proving impossible or means a resources employment manifestly disproportionate compared to the protected right;

VI. Oppose in whole or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons to process personal data relating to you, even if relevant with a view of the collection;
b) to the processing of personal data relating to you in order to sending advertising material or direct sale or for the completion of market or communication research, through the use of automated calling systems without the intervention of an operator through email and/or through charges of traditional marketing, through telephone or mail.

If applicable, you will have rights referred to the Articles 16-21 GDPR (right of rectification, right to be forgotten, Right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object), and the right to complain to Competent Authority at any time you can obtain the confirmation of the existence or less of personal data relating to you and the communication of these data and aims which the processing is based. Also, you can obtain the cancellation, the processing in anonymous form, the blocking of treated data violating law and update, the rectification or, where there is your interest as regards, the integration of the data; you can oppose for legitimate reasons to the treatment itself.

We please ask you to identify promptly to the contact points of the society any changes of your personal data to fulfill to the Article 11, word (c) of this legislation which requires that the data are correct, and therefore updated.

Holder and responsible for handling:

Treatment’s holder is FORNACE SRL

With its address in ARLUNO (MI), PIAZZA DEL POPOLO 2

The Treatment’s Holder, for which it is possible approach to exercise rights and/or for any information in the field of protecting personal data can be reached at the address: